
San Francisco Bay Area educator, writer, cartoonist, and head Style-Maven at Style-For-Dorks.

I’m here to write and muse and think about Style and everything it means. Not just clothes, but the dorky-thinky stuff, too.

And when you’re ready, let’s do a Style-Story about you.

Email Me or contact me at Google+ for a consultations and correspondence.

If you’re looking for my EDUCATION-TECHNOLOGY blog, check out magnetiCClassroom.com. 


  1. I love your style and I love your blog. I am a fellow member of the tribe, stylist and owner of Fox&Hanger ( http://www.foxandhanger.com)

    I am a writer …. at least that’s what every Cell in body tells me . I grew up on the East Coast in a ritsy goy town called Weston Mass. I went to boarding school ( thank Hashem) for teenagers with Dyslexia. Here , I discovered that three things : I was funny, I was smart and I had style . I became obsessed with thrift stores and the powerful ways that clothes can transform our mood.

    i have recently launched my Bay Area wardrobe therapy practice ( as a Jew, of course adding the word “therapy ” in the title feels right) . Our mutual friend, and your friend, Asher introduced me to your blog. It hit a cord in me . I began a column that Tamar ( Asher’s wife) edited for me. It’s called Dear Fox and Hanger . https://foxandhanger.wordpress.com/

    I have added one blog and this morning i may be brave enough include another . You see, I know I am a talented writer… And I know that people would benefit from my fashion advice ( mostly female audience ) but my learning disability is holding me back from confidently reaching audiences . Sure I could have friends like Tamar , edit my column…. But she has two children and a job.

    Anywho, I’m not really sure why I am reaching out to you today. Your fashion is flawless and your writing style is very similar to mine. Reading something is hard for me. It MUST be funny and it has to be conversational…. Yours is both. Also, I would like to help you reach other people that I know would benefit from your advice . I too could use a mentor to help boost my confidence when it comes to sharing my work…. Anywho…. You funny where it matters to me and to the rest of the world. With a world were nerds are in vouge (my mother use to sing me a song as a lass ,” love, a nerd,love a nerd love a nerd”…she would include the word “Jewish ” every other stanza! ) you and your blog are treasures !!!

    Any advice that would come your way or through our mutual friend aka my fashion crush, would be a huge mitzvah. Hope your have a great day!

    Ps. My daughter needs to get ready for Gan and reaching out is vulnerable enough…. So I’m just going to hold my breath … And send it off…. Having not re-read it once …

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